logotipo u-c

A rational approach on the UMMO subject

D104 Current Status of terrestrial society.


Número de Copias: Number of Copies:

En Inglés dos In English two

En español una In Spanish a


Suplicamos sea conservada esta copia en español por su hermano Dionisio Garrido Buendía. They begged to be preserved this copy in Spanish of his brother Dionisio Garrido Buendia.


Fragmento preliminar Preliminary Piece


Hombres del Astro solidificado Tierra: Men's solidified Astro Earth


Es nuestra súplica no veáis en esta carta un manifiesto exhortativo ni una gama codificada de consejos. It is our prayer in this letter you see not a manifesto nor a range encoded hortatory advice. No deben ustedes calificarla como manifiesto pues carecemos de autoridad para irradiar cualquier doctrina. You should not qualify as we lack clear authority to radiate any doctrine. No pertenecemos al grupo humano de Tierra puesto que procedemos de una estructura planetaria alienogeotopológica (Ummo según expresión fonética inteligible en su idioma) y por si esto no fuera obstáculo suficiente para pretender definirnos, no nos hemos presentado ante ustedes oficialmente. We belong to the human group of us from Earth as a planetary structure alienogeotopológica (Ummo as intelligible phonetic expression in their language) and if this were not enough to pretend to define obstacle, we have not officially presented to you. Formamos un grupo reducido de seres mentalmente desarrollados injertados en su medio social, que estudia la cultura de la red social terrestre, pero que nos mantenemos dentro del más riguroso anonimato. We are a small group of people developed mentally grafted into their social environment, which studies the social network culture on Earth, but we stay within the most strict anonymity. Esta actitud nos resta obviamente cualquier clase de autoridad para pretender dirigirnos a ustedes doctoralmente. This attitude remains for us obviously any kind of authority to address you doctorally claim.


Pero aunque vosotros, Hombres, deseaseis gentilmente concedernos el testimonio de autoridad genuina, sin que mediase nuestra identificación (postura que aunque sería acogida por nosotros con simpatía, no la juzgamos inteligente ni científicamente objetiva) nunca deberá ser esta carta, calificada bajo el epígrafe “consiliaria” Si observan las conclusiones deducibles, están valoradas por una óptica nuestra muy peculiar de nuestra idiosincrasia, derivada de nuestra propia sistemática ideológica científica. But if you, Men, deseaseis kindly give us the assurance of genuine authority, without the benefit of our identification (position that although it would be sympathetically received by us, not intelligent or scientifically objective judge) should never be this letter, described under " Chaplain "If you look at the lessons learned, are valued by our very peculiar optics of our character, derived from our own systematic scientific ideology. Nuestra cultura y estructura social no son exportables. Our culture and social structure are not exportable. No pueden plagiarse sin provocar trastornos a veces más graves de los que se desea corregir. They can not plagiarize without causing serious disruption to the times you want to correct.


Pero también es inevitable que nosotros, en virtud de los datos a veces muy reservados que obran en nuestro poder, formulemos un juicio de valor respecto a las estructuras de Tierra, emitamos nuestro juicio crítico que no desea ser hiriente, y aventuremos algunos pronósticos que serán tanto más acertados cuanto menos se desvíen de sus tendencias actuales, los procesos que estamos observando en el seno de la sociedad terrestre. But it is inevitable that we, under sometimes very secretive data that in our possession, we formulate value judgments regarding the structures of Earth, we issue our opinion not want to be critical wounding, and venture some predictions to be the more successful the less they deviate from their current trends, we are looking at processes within the terrestrial society.


Por esto la presente emisión epistolar podría titularse así: Therefore this issue letters could be entitled as follows:




Nuestra carta es un resumen muy abreviado del informe remitido a UMMOAELEWEE por nuestros hermanos, con la signatura para inserción en memoria del Sanmooaiubaa (complejo de calculadoras y  procesadores de información instalados en nuestro astro frío). Our menu is a very abbreviated summary of the report submitted to UMMOAELEWEE for our brothers, with the symbol for integration in memory of Sanmooaiubaa (complex calculators and data processors installed in our cold star).



Los párrafos autónomos reseñados entre comillas, son trascripción literal, lo más fielmente posible recogidas del informe original (Esta precisión de la versión en idioma familiar a ustedes, se entiende con las adiciones gramaticales y semánticas que la hagan inteligible, pues nuestros textos son excesivamente sintéticos, desprovistos de la morfología sintáctica que les es familiar a ustedes lo que hace muy dificultosa su decodificación sin la adición previa de formas verbales, adjetivos etcétera. Self paragraphs outlined in quotes are verbatim, as closely as possible reflected the original report (This clarification of the language version familiar to you, it is understood the grammatical and semantic additions that make it intelligible, as our texts are too synthetic devoid of syntactic morphology is familiar to you making it very difficult for potential decoding without prior addition of verb forms, adjectives and so on.


El resto de los párrafos se ha generado de forma que haga más comprensible el contexto. The remaining paragraphs have been generated so that it makes more understandable context. Teniendo en cuenta que los lectores del mismo han de ser ustedes y no nuestros especialistas. Given that readers of it should be you and not our specialists. Por razones comprensibles se omitieron casi el 97,2 por 144 de los gráficos e imágenes que acompañaban al original. For understandable reasons were omitted almost 97.2 per 144, the graphics and images that accompanied the original.


El informe remitido consta de 4352038 dígitos en sistema base doce referidos a información oral 20782232 · 10 13 dígitos en base binaria referidos a información gráfica. The report submitted has 4352038 digits in base-twelve system oral information relating to 20782232 × 10 13-digit binary base relating to graphic information.


Las dos versiones del presente extracto: inglesa y española son por otra parte distintas. The two versions of this excerpt: English and Spanish are otherwise distinct. El texto en inglés posee un carácter más universal (entendiendo por tal la acepción terrestre) La copia en español atiende más a datos referidos a Europa, aunque hemos insertado en él referencias a Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, y la República Popular China. The English text has a more universal (understood as the meaning land) A copy in Spanish focuses more on data covering Europe, although we have inserted in it references to United States and the PRC.


El ofrecerles a ustedes una trascripción completa del INFORME remitido a Ummo, aparte de la extensión que les hemos indicado, hubiera supuesto una resolución previa de otros dos problemas: The offer you a complete transcript of the report submitted to Ummo, apart from the extension that we have indicated, would have been a prior decision of two other problems:


Dirigirlo a organismos responsables de los Estados de Tierra lo que implicaba automáticamente darnos a conocer oficialmente. Targeted to State agencies responsible for Earth automatically implying officially let us know.


Revelar la naturaleza de las fuentes, y el contenido de documentos estadísticas y datos calificados por nosotros como muy reservados. Revealing the nature of the sources and content of documents and statistical data classified by us as very reserved.


Por otra parte, consideramos injusto no ofrecerles a ustedes siquiera concisamente, un extracto de nuestros juicios actuales. Moreover, we consider unfair not to offer you even briefly, an extract from our current trials. Al hacerse ustedes depositarios de la presente versión, aunque no sea divulgada, cumplimos nosotros este compromiso moral. When you become repositories of the present version, though not disclosed, we fulfill this moral commitment.




puede por otra parte inducir al lector hermano suyo a interpretar que el informe original se ha limitado a describir situaciones de orden económico, religioso, político, científico, tecnológico, ideológico etc., de rigurosa actualidad. otherwise may lead readers to interpret his brother that the original report was limited to describe situations of economic, religious, political, scientific, technological, ideological, and so on., rigorous today.


No es así: precisamente los estudios más interesantes, se refieren a una prognoseología en todos estos campos, es decir a un análisis prospectivo del futuro inmediato (veintiocho años) aunque en esta versión que les entregamos han sido omitidos muchos de los más importantes aspectos y datos cuantitativos del documento matriz. Not so: the most interesting studies just refer to a prognoseología in all these fields, ie a prospective analysis of the immediate future (twenty-eight years) but in this version we deliver have been omitted many of the most important aspects and quantitative data from the parent document.

Hemos advertido en el inicio de esta carta presentatoria, que renunciamos a cualquier postura de carácter paternalista hacia ustedes. We warned at the start of this presentatoria letter, we give up any paternalistic stance towards you. Nos limitamos siempre a informar cuidando omitir siempre que es posible las expresiones que puedan implicar caracteres exhortatorios o consejos insertos en un cuadro ideológico definido ( el nuestro) puesto que las ideas de los hermanos de Ummo no son exportables a esta red social que nos ha acogido. We just always taking care to omit information whenever possible expressions that may involve or advice hortatory character inserted in an ideological box set (ours) as the brothers' ideas are not exportable Ummo this social network that has welcomed us .


Naturalmente el plano de nuestros deseos ha de verse forzosamente divorciado de los estratos práxicos, cuando existe un flujo informativo. Naturally, the level of our desires must necessarily be divorced from the strata praxis, when there is information flow. No les revelamos nada nuevo si les declaramos que pese a las intenciones deliberadas por nuestra parte de no permitir injertos ideológicos, el hecho mismo de remitir a hombres dispersos de varias naciones, de Tierra, estas misteriosas cartas (misteriosas por la imposibilidad - para ustedes- de constatar su idoneidad) supone una microalteración en las variables psicológicas de sus hermanos. They do not reveal anything new if we declare that, despite the deliberate intention on our part not to let ideological grafts, the very fact of referring to men scattered across several nations, from Earth, these mysterious letters (mysterious because the impossibility - for you, to verify their suitability) is a psychological variables in microalteración of his brothers.


Esta es una de las explicaciones a la actitud nuestra de dejar inconclusos muchos de nuestros informes. This is one explanation for the attitude of leaving our unfinished many of our reports. De ese modo amortiguamos aún más la probabilidad de que ellos sirvan para generar estados larvados de identificación con nuestras ideas, que pudieran traducirse en la formación de grupos ideológicos que intentasen mitificarnos y seguir insensatamente nuestros propios modelos de pensamiento. Thus further dampened the likelihood that states they serve to generate latent identification with our ideas, which could result in the formation of ideological groups who attempt mystified and mindlessly follow our own patterns of thought.


No es pues, la nuestra una constelación de ideas herméticas. It is therefore our tight constellation of ideas. Nuestro pensamiento no tiene carácter esotérico, por el contrario se fundamenta en bases muy racionales y aun más madurado - que el de ustedes. Our thinking is not an esoteric, on the contrary is based on very sound foundations and even more mature - than yours. No en vano nuestra civilización es en datación cronológica, más antigua que la de Tierra. Not in vain our civilization is in chronological dating, older than the Earth. La ilusión de hermetismo procede pues de nuestras consignas deliberadas de censura. The illusion of secrecy because of our slogans must deliberate censorship.


Más no creemos violar esas barreras protectoras que nos hemos impuesto si les aconsejamos a ustedes con carácter genérico, se apliquen ustedes al estudio de las siguientes disciplinas: Most do not believe violate these protective barriers we have set ourselves if we advise you with a generic, you apply to the study of the following disciplines:


Prognoseología (Estudio prospectivo de la humanidad de Tierra) Sociología, Neurofisiología, Teología, Biología molecular, Baroestática (Estudio de grandes presiones) Investigación Operativa, Electrónica Semántica, que serán las ramas gnosológicas que provocarán una mayor incidencia en el desarrollo futuro de la red social terrestre. Prognoseología (Prospective study of humanity from Earth) Sociology, Neurophysiology, Theology, Molecular biology, Baroestática (Study of large pressures) Operations Research, Electronics semantics, which will gnosológicas branches that will cause a greater impact on the future development of the social network land.





(La calificación de “actual” se refiere al estadio presente del desarrollo de la red social y su cultura, estadio que nosotros evaluamos en unos veintiocho años a partir del intervalo +/- 3 Uiw -en el original la datación se refiere a tiempos medidos en Ummo- con corrección para Tierra equivalente a 17 horas TMG 1 2 min. 23 Noviembre de 1972 fecha en que el informe original fue remitido a Ummo). (The qualification of "current" refers to the present stage of development of the social network and culture, we evaluated stage in about twenty years from the interval + / - 3 UIW-dating the original refers to measured times in Ummo corrected for Earth-equivalent to 17 hours TMG 1 2 min. November 23, 1972 date the original report was submitted to Ummo).


Los hombres de Tierra se debaten hoy entre un estado de ansiedad o angustia, y la esperanza de un futuro menos cargado de sombras. The men of Earth are discussed today between a state of anxiety or distress, and the hope of a future less burdened by shadows.


“Ya sabéis, hermanos, a través de nuestros informes de periodicidad programada "You know, brethren, through our regularly scheduled reports como la diversificación de nacionalidades e ideologías, hacen muy difícil homogeneizar una información objetiva que refleje el sentir genuino de los seres humanos de ese astro sólido. as diversification of nationalities and ideologies, makes it very difficult to standardize objective information that reflects the genuine feeling of human beings of this star solid. Os adjuntamos un informe auxiliar, en el que se contienen datos al respecto, de los diferentes grupos étnicos dentro de las distintas estructuras estatales que componen el mosaico político de Tierra”. I attach an auxiliary report, which contained such data, of different ethnic groups within the various state structures that make up the Earth's political mosaic.


El desarrollo de una Red Social está condicionado por tal infinitud de variables que en una primera visión analítica resulta poco menos que imposible elaborar un modelo que satisfaga las futuras condiciones de evolución. Developing a Social Network is conditioned by such infinity of variables in a first analytical view is almost impossible to develop a model that satisfies the conditions of future developments. Un solo Oemmii (humano) dotado de libertad decisoria puede modificar profundamente cualquier pronóstico prognosológico que se elabore pacientemente basado en estudio de las tendencias, y en los datos científicos mejor escogidos. One Oemmii (human) endowed with freedom of decision may profoundly alter any forecast that is prepared patiently prognosológico based study of trends in scientific data and better chosen. Stalin, Hitler, Truman y Churchill entre otros muchos, incidieron con sus decisiones en el destino de la red social, de forma más poderosa que otros condicionantes de carácter biológico, económico, tecnológico o psicosocial. Stalin, Hitler, Truman and Churchill among others, influenced their decisions on the fate of the social network, more powerful than other determinants of biological, economic, technological or psychosocial.


Cualquier análisis imparcial, debe por tanto subordinarse a futuras alteraciones provocadas esporádicamente por estos rectores del equilibrio sociopolítico. Any unbiased analysis must therefore be subordinated to future alterations caused by these guiding occasional socio-political balance.


Sin embargo, aparece en estos últimos años, una nueva peculiaridad que ya en nuestra Historia marcó también el fin del imperio de las individualidades, sobre la base social, Empezamos a observar en Tierra que el grado de influencia de sus líderes, ideólogos y científicos sobre la evolución biopsicosocial, pierde nivel de operatividad, frente a condicionantes mucho más poderosos. However, it appears in recent years, a new peculiarity in our history and also marked the end of the empire of individuality, based on social, Earth began to observe that the degree of influence of its leaders, ideologues and scientists on biopsychosocial evolution loses operational level, against much more powerful constraints.


Así hemos podido constatar que en el actual conflicto indochino, en el que una pequeña nación, tan sólo ayudada económicamente y con pertrechos militares por la República Popular China y la Unión Soviética lucha heroicamente contra otra nación poderosa: Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, infligiéndole derrota tras derrota, la decisión del presidente Nixon de concluir con una apariencia de tratado de paz, lo que constituye la primera derrota en muchos años, tropieza con una serie de obstáculos objetivos impuestos por la estructura económico militar de esa gran nación. Thus we have observed that the current conflict in Indochina, in which a small nation, only with economic aid and military supplies for China and the Soviet Union fighting heroically against other powerful nation: United States, inflicting defeat after defeat President Nixon's decision to conclude with a semblance of peace treaty, which is the first loss in years, faces a number of objective constraints imposed by the military-economic structure of this great nation. Y sin embargo los medios de difusión de todo el planeta le acusan directamente de ser personalmente responsable de perpetuar esta guerra. And yet the media around the world directly accuse him of being personally responsible for perpetuating this war.


En la imposibilidad de homologar todas las variables que intervienen en la evolución, vamos a agruparlas (Solo aquellas cuyo índice de incidencia posean valores superiores a 0,00025) en constelaciones de factores, que clasificaremos así: Unable to standardize all the variables involved in evolution, we group them (only those whose incidence rate have values greater than 0.00025) in the constellation of factors, classified as follows:


















DESARROLLO IDEOLÓGICO Ideological development






Cualquiera de estos poderosos grupos de condicionantes, que a su vez pudiera analizarse en infinidad de componentes, ejerce su acción sobre los demás. Any of these powerful groups of constraints, which in turn could be analyzed in countless components, exerts its action on others. Se trata pues de una red espacial de once nudos, cuyas interrelaciones ofrecen un modelo que nuestro informe matriz analiza matemáticamente paso a paso. It is therefore a spatial network of eleven knots, whose relationships offer a model that mathematically analyzes our matrix report step by step. Aquí nos limitaremos a una descripción del problema que implica cada nudo. Here we limit ourselves to a description of the problem of each node. La evolución de cada uno de ellos influencia en grado variado a los demás. The evolution of each influence in varying degrees to others. Así observamos que la máxima incidencia la encontramos en CONTAMINACIÓN ECOLÓGICA sobre PRODUCCIÓN INDUSTRIAL con un valor medio de todo el flujo del enlace (rama de la Red) de 0,068 En cambio evaluamos la influencia del primer nudo: TENDENCIAS A LA SUMISIÓN sobre CAPACIDAD EN RECURSOS NATURALES como “tendente a cero”. Thus we observe that the highest incidence is found in ecological pollution on industrial production with an average value of the entire flow of link (branch of the Network) of 0.068 for change from the first effector junction: TRENDS FOR SUBMISSION ON CAPACITY IN NATURAL RESOURCES as "tending to zero."


La futura evolución, será pues, tanto menos anárquica e impredecible cuanto mejor elaboren los hombres de Tierra un modelo matemático que controle las variables sobresalientes de esos nudos. Future developments will be thus much less chaotic and unpredictable as best men of Earth develop a mathematical model that controls the salient variables of these joints.




Lo primero que sorprende a nuestros hermanos expedicionarios en Tierra es la estructura de grupos sociales y su regiduría por el líder. We were surprised by our fellow expeditioners on Earth is the structure of social groups and their stage management by the leader.


Nosotros estamos acostumbrados a la detección de las bases neurofisiológicas de cada hermano nuestro, en la fase de gestación. We are used to detect the neurophysiological basis of each of our brothers, at the stage of gestation. No alteramos pues violaríamos nuestras UAA, los factores genéticos que condicionaran cada ser humano, pero valoramos desde el primer momento la capacidad intelectiva y ergológica de cada uno de nosotros, tipificando a los Oemii, en función de estas bases. Do not alter it would violate our UAA, genetic factors that may influence each human being, but we value from the first moment and ergológica intellective capacity of each of us, typifying the Oemii, depending on these bases. De ese modo sabemos cuando un hermano nuestro posee rasgos mentales que lo capacitaran para el mando y se le prepara en los centros de estudio, para desempeñar ese liderazgo. Thus we know when a brother has mental traits that enabled him to command and was prepared in the study centers, to perform such leadership.


Lo que nos asombra, no es que ustedes no hayan logrado esa temprana valoración, sino que una vez desarrollado el Oemmii, y reconocida su capacidad intelectual, sus sistemas sociales no sólo permitan muchas veces la discriminación de los mejor capacitados, sino erijan en puestos clave a oemmii poco dotados. What amazes us is not that you have not achieved that early assessment, but once developed Oemmii and recognized their intellectual, social systems not only allow discrimination often best placed, but erected in key positions to oemmii little ability.


Un análisis realizado por nosotros arroja el siguiente desolador resultado (MUESTRAS SOCIALES SELECCIONADAS EN CANADÁ, ARGENTINA, MARRUECOS MAURITANIA, GRAN BRETAÑA, ESPAÑA, INDIA, PAQUISTAN, AUSTRALIA, FRANCIA, FILIPINAS, CHECOESLOVAQUIA) El estudio se realizó bajo bases distintas a las encuestas realizadas con técnicas de Tierra, puesto que no se sometió a los individuos seleccionados, a ningún cuestionario. An analysis made by us gives the following stark result (SAMPLES SELECTED SOCIAL IN CANADA, ARGENTINA, MOROCCO MAURITANIA, GREAT BRITAIN, SPAIN, INDIA, PAKISTAN, AUSTRALIA, FRANCE, PHILIPPINES, CZECHOSLOVAKIA) The study was carried out under different bases from those surveys Earth techniques, since it was put to the selected individuals to a questionnaire. Método por otra parte que sesga en grado elevado los resultados. Method moreover high degree skewing the results.


Se trataba de averiguar a quién elegirían como “amo” en el caso de que se viesen forzados a someterse a una hipotética esclavitud. It was finding out who would choose as "master" in the event of being forced to undergo a hypothetical slavery.


La opción se forzaba entre estos estereotipos: The choice is forced between these stereotypes:




El nivel de selección para cada elemento de la muestra, estaba fijado en lo que ustedes llaman subconsciente, y dentro de un área que podemos considerar como generadora de voliciones. The level of selection for each element of the sample, was fixed on what you call the subconscious, and within an area that can be considered as a generator of volitions.


Los resultados medios (no desglosamos por nacionalidades, cocientes intelectuales, edades profesiones y sexos) fueron los siguientes: The average results (no breakdown by nationality, IQ, age, profession and sex) were:


Desean como amo un MILITAR                27,409%(máximo porcentaje obtenido) MILITARY want as master a 27.409% (maximum percentage obtained)


Desean como amo un BOXEADOR        17,07% They want as master boxer 17.07%


Desean como amo un ARTISTA de C.    14,31% They want as an artist I love C. 14.31%


Desean como amo una MUJER               14,02% (de los varones, un 9, 78%). They want as I love a WOMAN 14.02% (men, 9, 78%).


Desean como amo un INTELECTUAL     8,38% INTELLECTUAL want as master a 8.38%


En último lugar evaluamos a un NIÑO      0,12% (2,86% de las mujeres). Last assess a child 0.12% (2.86% of women).


Este análisis, aunque no representa a la población de todo el astro Tierra nos induce a considerar que los baremos para ella no serían muy distintos desde la uniformidad observada en los distintos medios nacionales. This analysis, although not representing the entire population of Earth star leads us to believe that the scales for her would not be very different from the observed uniformity in the various national media.


Ustedes mismos pueden deducir las conclusiones: You can deduct the same conclusions:


Por lo pronto acusamos un fortísimo componente masoquista entre sus hermanos; adoración mítica por la fuerza representada en ese alto porcentaje de deseos inconscientes a ser sometidos por los representantes de aquella. For now we charge a very strong masochistic component among their brothers by force mythical worship displayed in such a large percentage of unconscious wishes to be submitted by the representatives of that. No nos parece tan grave la aceptación de la mujer como “ama absoluta” cuando fue elegida por los varones, puesto que tal actitud no incidiría gravemente sobre el desarrollo de la sociedad de Tierra. It seems so serious acceptance of women as "absolute love" when she was chosen by males, since such an attitude would not impact seriously on the development of Earth society.


Por otra parte: la realidad de la urdimbre sociopolítica de su planeta corrobora la fiabilidad de estos resultados. Moreover: the reality of socio-political fabric of their planet confirms the reliability of these results. Las masas se dejan arrastrar más fácilmente por estratos de neurocortización primitiva (militares, deportistas,) que por niveles con elevado grado de desarrollo cortical (pensadores, intelectuales, investigadores puros, pastores religiosos, líderes sociales) Ya en los grupos infantiles, priman más los niños con desarrollo muscular que los dotados intelectuales, y aquellos se convierten en jefes de clan o grupo. The masses are more easily drag neurocortización primitive strata (military, sports,) that levels with high degree of cortical development (thinkers, intellectuals, researchers cigars, religious ministers, social leaders) already in children's group, take precedence over the children with muscular development that the gifted intellectuals, and those become clan chiefs or group.


Uno de los grandes problemas de las estructuras democráticas, montadas por ustedes, y que constituyen su fracaso pese a que en principio y en el estadio social actual, son las formas políticas más justas por su inorganicidad y respeto al imperio de la ley basada en los derechos humanos, es precisamente el hecho frecuentemente constatado por nosotros y denunciado por pensadores de Tierra, de que una gran parte de los Oemii NO DESEAN SER LIBRES. One of the great problems of democratic structures, underneath you, and constitute its failure even though in principle and in the social arena today are more just political for their inorganic and respect for the rule of law based on the human rights, is precisely the fact frequently noted by us and condemned by thinkers of Earth, a large part of Oemii NOT WISH TO BE FREE. Sienten el deseo imperioso de ser sometidos a un amo absoluto. They feel the urge to be subjected to absolute master. Deseo no confesado en gran número de casos, no por hipocresía sino porque late en el inconsciente individual (nosotros sabemos hoy que ello tiene su fundamento en lo que denominamos BUUAWEE  BIAEII (NIVEL ESPIRITUAL COLECTIVO) Ese deseo de sumisión constituye una reliquia heredada genéticamente por ustedes, de épocas pretéritas (Les aconsejamos profundicen en el estudio de PALEONTOLOGÍA) cuando la única defensa de los humanos de Tierra primitivos, frente a la hostilidad del medio físico y ecológico (terremotos, animales... ) estribaba más que en el ingenio, en la fuerza muscular. Los más débiles necesitaban la protección de los fuertemente constituidos. El precio era la sumisión ciega. Unspoken desire in many cases, not hypocrisy but because the individual unconscious late (we know it today has its foundation in what we call BUUAWEE BIAEII (LEVEL COLLECTIVE SPIRIT) This desire for submission is genetically inherited relic for you of earlier times (We recommend more detailed study of paleontology) when the only defense of human primitive Earth, facing the hostility of the physical environment and ecological (earthquakes, animals ...) lay only in the device, muscle strength. The weak needed protection of the heavily made up. The price was subservience.


Sus hermanos de la base experimentan por otra parte la dificultad inherente a la elaboración de esquemas complejos mentales. Your brothers in the experience base on the other hand the difficulty inherent in the mental development of complex schemes. Viven en un mundo tecnificado y de gran complejidad. They live in a technological world and of great complexity. Les resulta imposible abarcar intelectualmente tanto la estructura de las máquinas que maneja diariamente como la hipercomplejidad de los aparatos administrativo, judicial, empresarial, económico... They find it intellectually impossible to cover both the structure of daily handling machines such as appliances hyper administrative, judicial, business, economic ... Aunque se especialicen en uno de ellos no podrán jamás abarcar los demás. While specializing in one of them may never cover the rest. Así un médico encontrará tan difícil de comprender los circuitos de una wobuladora o generador de frecuencia variable para servicio de televisión, como un técnico en electrónica asimilar el proceso de síntesis de unos aminoácidos. Thus a doctor will find so difficult to understand the circuitry of a wobuladora or variable frequency generator for television service, as an electronics technician internalize the process of synthesis of some amino acids. El esfuerzo mental que requiere salir del propio estrecho campo de conocimientos profesionales, imprescindibles para poder injertarse en una sociedad de consumo, sólo es realizado por unos pocos humanos. The mental effort required leave their own narrow field of professional knowledge essential to engraft in a consumer society, is performed by only a few humans. Los demás renuncian a PENSAR, declinan esta facultad en su LEADER (por otra parte seleccionado irracionalmente por su subconsciente). The other refuses to think, decline this option in your LEADER (otherwise irrationally selected by your subconscious). Se convierten así en piezas fácilmente manejadas por gobernantes de mentalidad totalitaria y por los manipuladores de opinión pública (PUBLICIDAD, PRENSA). They become pieces easily handled by rulers of totalitarian mentality and by the manipulators of public opinion (ADVERTISING, PRESS). El AMO piensa por ellos. The AMO intends for them. Y si este AMO fuera al menos un intelectual, un sociólogo, un pastor religioso, aún podría estructurarse mejor la sociedad aunque la base AUTORITARIA seguiría estando viciada. And if the AMO was at least an intellectual, a sociologist, a clergyman could be better structured even though society would remain the basis Authoritarian flawed. Lo grave es que el LÍDER, el AMO procede casi siempre de los estratos NEUROMUSCULARES, sus decisiones no son controladas por el cortex sino por el paleoencéfalo, es decir las áreas más primitivas del cerebro. The trouble is that the leader, the AMO should almost always NEUROMUSCULAR strata, their decisions are not controlled but by the paleoencéfalo cortex, ie the most primitive areas of the brain.


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por su hermano Juan Aguirre Ceberio. by his brother Juan Aguirre Ceberio.



Los hombres de Tierra vense de esta manera sometidos a la influencia de factores extrínsecos que les impiden en un porcentaje muy elevado de la población total, desarrollar su propia capacidad intelectiva para tratar de salir de su letargo. The men of Earth are not seen in this way under the influence of extrinsic factors that prevent a high percentage of the total population, develop their own intellect to try to get out of their lethargy.


Si la inmensa capacidad de este desarrollo mental que es la suma de todos los individuos del astro frío, podría integrar a fin de racionalizar sus propios programas prospectivos, no fuese abortado por esa voluntad colectiva de someter la inteligencia propia a la de sus propios amos, podría esperarse un cambio revolucionario sin violencias, que transformase en menos de doce años, las estructuras socioeconómicas, en modelos reales científicamente aceptables. If the immense capacity of the mental development which is the sum of all individuals in the cold sun, could be integrated to streamline their own foresight programs, is not aborted by the collective will to bring intelligence to own their own masters, could expect a revolutionary change without violence, which transformed in less than twelve years, economic structures, in real models scientifically acceptable.


Pero la mentalidad de estos oemis (HOMBRES) hace utópica tal esperanza. But the mentality of these oemis (MEN) makes such a utopian hope.


El desequilibrio generado por esta tendencia inconsciente hacia la sumisión alcanza límites que vosotros hermanos del UMMOAELEWEE no podéis imaginar sin ayuda de estos datos recogidos en apéndice The imbalance created by the unconscious tendency toward submission reaches the limits you UMMOAELEWEE brothers can not imagine without the help of these data in Appendix (Se refiere el informe a un apéndice que no incluimos en este resumen). (Refers to an appendix to the report that was not included in this summary).


La vida media de un oemii de nacionalidad situada en el área de países con estructura democrática, transcurre en el marco de presiones coercitivas tales que le resulta dificilísimo desarrollar con sosiego un genuino ejercicio mental de síntesis, reflexión y creación. The average life of a nationality oemii area located in countries with democratic structure, set in the context of coercive pressures such that it is most difficult to develop a genuine calm mental exercise of synthesis, reflection and creation.


Le es imposible conocer en un momento dado si los hermanos suyos ejecutivos del poder nacional, realizan su gestión pública racionalmente. It is impossible to know at any given time if his brothers executives of national power, making their rational governance. Toda la información al respecto se la brindan a través de hojas de celulosa impresas con moldes tipográficos componiendo unos textos cuya redacción está controlada por grandes grupos de hermanos suyos poseedores de grandes cadenas de medios informativos, y con ideología peculiar que tiña toda esta información con matices que le restan objetividad científica. All information will be provided through the cellulose sheets printed with typographical molds composing a text whose language is controlled by large groups of his brothers have big media chains, and with that peculiar ideology ringworm all this information with nuances that detract from scientific objectivity. Es decir: el OEMII carece de lo más esencial que el ser pensante necesita, para desarrollar su capacidad pensante, su capacidad creativa: DATOS EXACTOS de la REALIDAD que lo circunda. This means the OEMII lacks the most essential that the thinking being required to develop their thinking ability, creative ability: precise data of the reality that surrounds him.


La deformación de estos datos (Sus medios informativos no le pervierten totalmente la verdad, gran parte de los hechos descritos son reales, más la técnica utilizada para perturbar la información son éstos: The deformation of such data (Your media does not completely pervert the truth, much of the events described are real, the more the technique used to disrupt the information are these:


- Omitir aquellos aspectos de la descripción que puede desagradar al Director del Medio, a sus superiores o hermanos vinculados financieramente al Grupo, oa determinados gobernantes. - Ignore those aspects of the description that may displease the Director of the East, their superiors or brothers linked financially to the group, or certain leaders. Así en las noticias derivadas de una guerra, se recalcarán las atrocidades llevadas a cabo por los contendientes del país no amigo, silenciando la barbarie de los soldados militantes en el bando amigo. So the news arising from war, shall emphasize the atrocities carried out by the country contenders friend, silencing the barbarity of the soldiers, militants in the camp friend.


- Acentuando con tipos o caracteres de gran cuerpo, o ubicación de la noticia dentro de una página importante, aquellas informaciones que interesen ejerza gran impacto: más cuando se ven forzados a publicar una noticia ingrata, la titularán con tipos de pequeño formato, relegándola a páginas interiores, o emitiéndola en frecuencias radioeléctricas a horas de escasa audiencia popular. - Emphasizing types or characters with great body, or placement of the news within a page important information to those interested in high-impact exercise: more when they are forced to publish a news ungrateful titrated on the types of small format, relegating it to inside pages, and broadcasted on radio frequencies at times of low popular audience.


- Forzando el comentarista, adjetivos, críticas, comentarios humorísticos de carácter mordaz, frases despectivas o utilizando vocablos estereotipados que despierten en los lectores, oyentes o espectadores de una noticia que interesa desprestigiar, reacciones de antipatía, odio o desprecio. - Forcing the commentator, adjectives, poems, humorous biting character, or using derogatory phrases stereotyped words which prompt readers, listeners or viewers of a news that interests to discredit, reactions of dislike, hatred or contempt. Así un periódico conservador francófono editado en una capital del país Francia comentaba las sesiones del Tribunal Russell, que condenó como criminal de Guerra al presidente de USA llevando al ánimo de sus lectores que los científicos y sociólogos reunidos en el famoso comité, no eran sino pobres perturbados mentales. Thus a conservative newspaper edited in a French-speaking capital of France said the sessions Russell Tribunal, which condemned as war criminals to the U.S. President to draw the attention of his readers that scientists and social scientists gathered at the famous committee, were but poor mentally disturbed.


En cambio una revista de Tirana, publicaba un reportaje fechado en Suecia donde estaban reunidos esos eminentes hombres de ciencia, juzgando a USA en la que cambiando hábil mente cuatro vocablos que en una mala traducción podrían pasar como aptos, transcribían una frase no pronunciada realmente en la que un famoso científico aseguraba que “Los americanos del norte debían ser castrados para que no siguieran haciendo tanto daño a la humanidad. But a review of Tirana, published a report dated in Sweden where they were meeting those eminent scientists, judging that changing U.S. business in mind four words in a mistranslation could pass as fit, transcribed a phrase not uttered really that a famous scientist claimed that "North Americans should be castrated so they do not continue doing so much damage to mankind. La frase textual sugería que los “americanos del norte, debieran ser concienciados del daño que estaban produciendo a pequeñas naciones”. The textual phrase suggested that "North Americans, should be made aware of the damage they were producing small nations."


Falto por tanto de una información equilibrada o total, el Oemii de Tierra va adquiriendo paulatinamente, hábitos, modos de vida e ideas privativas de sus amos. Therefore lacks a balanced or complete information, the Land Oemii gradually acquires, habits, lifestyles and ideas deprivation of their masters. El ritmo inhumano de trabajo (En Europa el Oemii trabaja una media de cinco horas, doce minutos al día, con variaciones en los distintos países, le imposibilita para poder dedicar tiempo a meditar, por tanto para él resulta una liberación por la economía de esfuerzo mental que supone, el que los locutores y periodistas le transmitan las ideas estereotipadas que él asimila como propias y repite sin cesar como si fuesen subproducto de su mente. The inhuman pace of work (In Europe Oemii works an average of five hours, twelve minutes a day, with variations across countries, it impossible to devote time to reflection, so for him it is a release by the economics of effort mental means, that broadcasters and journalists will transmit stereotypes he treats as his own and endlessly repeated as if they were product of his mind.


Toda la Economía estructural de los países del oeste de Europa, parte de los de Asia y África, Oceanía y casi todos de los de América, se basan en modelos perfeccionados de capitalismo en los que los bienes y el capital son controlados por determinados grupos de Oemii ofreciendo como compensación a los sectores de base un bienestar a base de susceptibilidad de adquisición de bienes artificiales de consumo. All structural economy of the countries of western Europe, part of Asia and Africa, Oceania, and almost all of America, are based on sophisticated models of capitalism in which goods and capital are controlled by certain groups of Oemii offering as compensation to sectors based on a welfare basis of susceptibility to acquisition of consumer goods artificial.


El embrutecimiento que este bienestar artificial produce en los desgraciados hombres de Tierra es si cabe, tan lamentable como el engendrado por modelos más tiránicos en que el humano se veía sometido a la esclavitud. The brutality that this artificial being produced in the wretched men of earth is even, as lamentable as the most tyrannical generated by models in which human slavery was facing.


En estas naciones el Oemii de Tierra vive obseso por mejorar su entorno físico con objetos que en realidad constituyen necesidades artificiales como muy bien han denunciado multitud de inteligentes sociólogos de Tierra. In these nations of the earth live Oemii obsessed by improving their physical environment with objects that are in fact artificial needs have rightly denounced as many sociologists smart Earth. Se convierten esclavos del deseo de unas vacaciones pagadas, un vehículo lujoso, y multitud de accesorios generadores de polución ambiental, consumidor de tabaco: la planta utilizada en tierra para desmenuzarla y utilizar su combustión para tragar por vía bucal sus emanaciones, aerosoles de compuestos químicos de acción terapéutica pero que utilizados por ellos de una forma abusiva se convierten en tóxicos. They become slaves to the desire of a paid vacation, a luxurious car, and plenty of accessories generate environmental pollution, consumer of snuff: the plant used in land use for burning tear it to pieces and swallowing by mouth their fumes, chemical sprays therapeutic action but one used by them improperly become toxic.


Sus amos le rodean así de un paraíso ilusorio, mentalmente tóxico, que como cualquier estupefaciente de naturaleza química, le inhabilita para desarrollarse como hombre integral y pleno. Their masters around him and an illusory paradise, mentally toxic, as any narcotic chemical in nature, disqualifies him to develop as comprehensive and fully man. Al tener satisfechas sus necesidades inmediatas: alimentación, terapéutica a nivel de los últimos avances quimiotécnicos y clínicos, vestido y un limitado poder adquisitivo para cubrir las artificiosas necesidades que un modelo económico monstruoso se encarga de generar, para poder a su vez expandirse, el Oemii de Tierra ciudadano de estos países va modelando nuevos y nuevos modos de conducta o reflejos sin los cuales podría vivir perfectamente, puesto que en vez de satisfacer auténticas necesidades vitales, pervierte el fin en medios, y engendra conductas y exigencias que servirán a los artefactos adquiridos. Having satisfied their immediate needs: food, therapeutic level of recent advances and clinical quimiotécnicos, clothing and limited purchasing power to meet the needs contrived a monstrous economic model is responsible for generating, in turn, to expand, the Oemii Land citizen of these countries is new model and new modes of conduct or reflection without which it could live quite well, since instead of meeting real needs vital to media perverts, and engenders behaviors and requirements which will serve the artifacts acquired . Así se obligará a mantener plisado el pantalón (prenda de vestir que cubre extremidades inferiores) todas las mañanas, para poder usar un dispositivo eléctrico diseñado para este fin, y adquirirá con más asiduidad ciertos animales marinos (langostas, ostras, etc. ) de características bromatológicas muy dudosas, para utilizar el último instrumento de acero capaz de fracturar los caparazones de tales zooespecies. This will require maintaining pleated pants (garment covering the lower extremities) every morning, to use an electrical device designed for this purpose and most regularly acquire certain marine animals (lobsters, oysters, etc..) Feature bromatological very dubious, to use the last instrument of steel capable of fracturing the shells of such zooespecies.


Sus gustos por las manifestaciones genuinamente artísticas irán atrofiándose gradualmente. His penchant for the artistic genuinely will gradually atrophied. Nuevas formas degradadas de placer sustituyen a las de sus antepasados. New forms of pleasure degraded replace those of their ancestors. El deporte en muchos países se pervierte en espectáculo mientras el oemii apenas si puede y tiene tiempo para practicarlo, y formas de publicidad de toda esa gama de absurdos medios de tal paraíso aberrado acaban por crear un confusionismo mental que lo convierten en un semi-humano, incapaz de crear, pensar y mantener criterios independientes. The sport in many countries show perverts while and oemii can hardly have time to practice, and ways to publicize a range of absurd that such a paradise aberrated media just to create a mental confusion that makes it a semi-human unable to create, think and maintain independent criteria. Es una forma sutil pero no menos insidiosa de esclavitud mucho más terrible que la que padecieron sus antepasados, pues al menos estos eran dueños de sus propias cortezas cerebrales. It is a subtle but no less insidious form of slavery far more terrible than that suffered by your ancestors, for at least these were own their cerebral cortices.


De esta manera los detentadores de los medios de capital, y poder político pueden acrecentar su dominio con los votos sumisos de estos nuevos esclavos, sin temor a revoluciones violentas que les arrebaten su poder. In this way the holders of capital resources and political power can increase its dominance with the votes of these new slaves submissive without fear of violent revolutions which deprive them of their power. Estos Oemii no sólo renuncian al control de gestión de sus respectivos Estados y Empresas, con lo que se convertirán en esclavos definitivos al no poder participar en los cuadros de decisiones que sobre sus cabezas trazan los hermanos detentadores de tal poder, sino que ellos mismos bendicen a sus amos por permitirles poseer vehículos de tracción autopropulsada adornados con embellecedores cromados, adquirir plisadores de pantalones y fumar tranquilizantes artificiales, y llegadas unas jornadas de comicios electorales, votarán al candidato más capacitado para bloquear las áreas corticales de sus hermanos en desgracia, que aún permanecen autónomas. These Oemii not just give up management control of their respective states and companies, which will become permanent slaves unable to participate in the decision tables on their heads that draw the brothers holders of that power, but bless themselves their owners for allowing them to have self-propelled traction vehicles adorned with chrome strips, buy pants and smoking plisadores artificial tranquilizers, and some days arrivals voting polls, will vote for the candidate best able to block the cortical areas of their brothers in distress, yet remain autonomous.


(El informe original describe los aspectos reflejados en párrafos previos, más extensamente. En los presentes textos va el documento haciendo una exposición detallada de las realidades sociales culturales y económicas actuales. Haciendo distinciones en función del grupo étnico o nacional que se describe. Ustedes mismos son conscientes de que muchas de estas aseveraciones y datos son familiares a Vds. No les descubrimos nada. Si los insertamos es para hacer más comprensible el contexto del resumen total, y aún así hemos omitido multitud de datos que serán sabrosos y resultarán interesantes para mis hermanos de Ummo pero que resultarían tópicos para ustedes. (The original report describes the dimensions as reflected in previous paragraphs, more extensively. In these texts is the document by a detailed account of the social, cultural and economic realities of today. To make distinctions on the basis of ethnic or national group that is described. You yourselves are aware that many of these allegations and facts are familiar to them Vds. not find anything. If the insert is to make more understandable the context of the total sum, and yet we have omitted many details that are tasty and interesting for my Ummo brothers but that would be topics for you.


El régimen de vida para otra de las áreas importante, el correspondiente del astro sólido Tierra que está regentado por formas estructurales de carácter económico distinto, difiere en alto grado del descrito anteriormente. The scheme of life to other important areas, the corresponding star's solid Earth is run by an economic structural shapes different, different in degree than described above.


El cuadro en que se desenvuelve un ciudadano en las áreas con modelos socioeconómicos de carácter socialista, está condicionado por las diferentes raíces ideológicas que imperan en unos países respecto a otros. The picture that develops a citizen in the areas of socialist economic models is influenced by different ideological roots that exist in some countries over others. No es posible equiparar a un Oemii residente en la nación ARGELIA (Norte de África) al de la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas (Oeste de Europa y Norte de Asia) o con el residente en la República Popular China (ASIA) You can not equate a resident in the nation Oemii Algeria (North Africa) to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Western Europe and North Asia) or the resident in the Republic of China (ASIA)


En el bloque In block (se refiere a una parte del informe que no hemos resumido para ustedes) os hemos expuesto, hermanos del UMMOAELEWEE todo el proceso ideológico que llevó a la formación de tales naciones. (referring to part of the report that we have outlined for you) you have raised, all the brothers UMMOAELEWEE ideological process that led to the formation of such nations. Os decíamos que el deseo de muchos pensadores de Tierra de conseguir una estructura social que liberase al hombre de este Astro, de la esclavitud que para él suponía mantener el principio de propiedad privada como segregado del Derecho Natural, cristalizó en la formación de grandes grupos multinacionales ( internacionales) compuestos por intelectuales y obreros (esclavos) con conciencia de clase dispuestos a suprimir por vías violentas el poder omnímodo de los detentadores de los medios de producción, apoyados estos por los gobiernos y por estructuras eclesiales que habían deformado la genuina imagen - religiosa a los ojos de sus propios correligionarios. I was saying that the desire of many thinkers of Earth to get a social structure to release this man from Astro, of slavery that he supposed to maintain the principle of private property is segregated from the Natural Law, crystallized in the formation of large multinational groups (international) consisting of intellectuals and workers (slaves) with class consciousness willing to suppress violent ways the omnipotence of the holders of the means of production, supported by these governments and church structures that had distorted the genuine picture - religious in the eyes of his own party.


These idealists, with a respectable undoubted good faith, but with a great lack of genuine psychological mechanisms of his brothers took to the daunting task of creating a collective consciousness that was capable of dismantling the state and existing economic models for others, much more humane, more just and free of such repressive capitalist institutions imposed.


The first mistake prospective of a serious nature committed when he predicted that the revolution would succeed in more advanced countries like England (EUROPE) in response to the argument that the raising of capital would reach a limit for the base, dispossessed, would rebelling against sector economic minority owner and executive power. It was instead a nation of agrarian structure dominated by totalitarian miserable and immoral and corrupt aristocracy, where, not by the dynamics described by these thinkers historicist socialists but by the context of unforeseen circumstances, among which are counted the important fact that Lenin in exile, was supported by the German government itself, capital to move to Russia and to organize the revolution, where the new model was tested with still uncertain results.


The Chinese model was another historical genesis. Earth's men mostly have an unreal version of it. They think the communist army in battle with the Kuomintang (another corrupt structure) was slowly gaining territory, with the passivity of the United States that was decided in the end to protect Formosa, now conquered by the Chinese people throughout the country in the hands of the oligarchy.


The reality is that at a meeting in Yalta during the decade in which developed the Astro war that ravaged this cold, and in subsequent discussions at the ambassadorial level, Stalin and Roosevelt, leaders of USSR and USA at the time, behind Churchill and Chan Kai Chef, rectors of Britain and China free of Japanese rule, arranged the delivery of this Nation to the forces of Mao Zedong, then an unknown revolutionary, without which implied a surrender of the Kuomintang regime decomposed. USA undertook to:


  • Not directly intervene in the civil war.
  • Limit the Nationalist government aid to limits which would be monitored by representatives of the Soviet Union and the United States.
  • Prohibitions to an alleged socialist government in place in China to extend its area of influence, in the case of defeat (as happened) the popular forces outside the Chinese territory.
  • Commitment by the United States to grant credit in an amount not yet determined, the new People's Government in the event of victory.
  • In the case of the Soviet armies were defeated Chinese: commitment to influence the U.S., on the Nationalist government to grant a general amnesty for the revolutionaries.


Stalin thus constraining its U.S. counterpart, forcing you to a more, not be concluded that the inhibition involved the Soviet Union in a few days so critical to the solid star.


U.S. under pressure from other allies and public opinion in the countries of the capitalist structure, violated the agreement by protecting the Chinese dictator, in his stronghold of Formosa. Russia and China responded by intensifying the cold relations between the two blocs, impacting first on Tibet with its influence and military support to Korea, a small country in northern Asia. United States did not feel obliged to respect the clause immature credit assistance to the PRC and she had to confront in principle a number of serious internal problems in their own process of conversion.




How a citizen living man in the socioeconomic context of these countries? First, we must analyze the conditions of political utopianism that have developed in these nations.


Unaware of the true psychosocial warp brothers, socialist intellectuals have played the role of authoritarian paternalism toward him.


(Of course when we talk to men on Earth, in the original report sent to Ummo, nuanced aspects impossible to capture in a summary document like this one. You can not integrate into a stereotype for all beings on Earth where you live, as if they were all disturbed by the Society of Consumer Affairs, and to use plisadoras of pants, or were incapable of thinking independently. describe common forms only a modal statistical value in a normal distribution. The statements contained in this summary does not may have scientific value as they are not accompanied by quantitative data, and are summarized in a few sketchy outlines generic).


Cortical structures of the men of Earth, like our sun (Ummo) present morphological traits inherited by very diverse. We have observed dispersion values in terms of capacity intellect and emotion, much higher than among our brothers.


(Refers the report to the acuity in the statistical distribution of mental factors. Using as a pattern of intelligence on Earth to make the data more understandable, for in Ummo intelligence is measured by other parameters also linked to the molecular biological structure of the cortex and its neural network.)


There are actually Oemmii land, with a calculating capacity, mental development and potential mnemonic values much higher standard to that of his brothers, Other degree called for them have very depleted oligophrenic these capabilities. Earth also occur in two extreme forms of emotional sensitivity. For some, called by the experts in Earth asocial psychopaths, contempt for the brothers their lives, their spiritual entities, is so great that no hesitation in committing torture or coldly calculated murders. For others, where they tend to count the religious ministers of various denominations, sociologists, thinkers, humanists, pure revolutionaries, doctors, blood donors, conscientious objectors and some politicians, their sensitivity to the suffering of their brothers








Date 24/11/1973

ONE Number of copies

Mr Jorge Barrenechea ABERASTURI

Sir: Sir:


My desire and my brothers to continue by sending a summary report but with many additions, deletions and alterations in its context, is an index of witnesses of our views on the current socio-political and cultural forms of the star cold earth.


The summary that we sending them consists of two parts very precisely defined: In the first we present an exhibition of human social network land. She may not be interested in the highest degree, since many of the news and data contained in them are perfectly familiar.


Many of our views are set out explicitly and with far greater clarity, by commentators, journalists, thinkers and social scientists from Earth. so be reiterated in this paper could be idle, and be sterile if it was not certain of his brothers might find it interesting as a simple curiosity, to know to what extent these views are shared by us and what our perspective the matter impartially.


No social network belonging to the land, we are able to assess with a certain amount of impartiality, the institutions that govern their brothers today.


Our "critical" should not be considered as such. Not belonging to their own biological species can perhaps be humiliating that we engage with a scalpel to sever the tissues of the social fabric of other beings for doctoral air to discover the defects, tumors, neoplasms and necrotic cells that damage these histological structures since the end of the them seem different network models you sociohumana of themselves and to the lower animals are a part.


Believe me, Mr. Barrenechea, the first sore from our impotence we are. We would be able to report less grim; we would find a single system or ideology on Earth than to crystallize in the practice, were perfect and oust the others. More fool you would be misrepresenting the truth and scientifically verifiable if the stains and sometimes we discover the sinister shadows that blur to each of these ideological structures.


We know too that our analysis is cold and lacking any emotional bias in favor of any ideology and system of Earth. You judge on the facts. Not the ideas themselves. All ideological constellations his brilliant thinkers have the dazzling beauty of speculation, not generally based on scientific reasoning, laws empirically observable and measurable translatable into formulas. Certainly their sociologists go step by step using sociometric techniques, before considering humanocolectivo phenomena of nature, but the concepts in place governing the collective forms of cohabitation, at present, as can be various forms of democracy, socialism different types, fascism, totalitarianism and the liberal ideas are generated more instinctively, romantic, visceral or intuitive genius who prove them that based on cold calculation and careful analysis of social phenomena. The men of paleoencéfalo Earth imposes cortex. The experiential and emotional push the method and the rational. The bonus magical feeling between you putting it before the patient pursuit statistical remove them from the morass and suffering.


When you read them in our reports pertaining to their own religious views and policies surely can not avoid a certain feeling of discomfort when they affect deeply entrenched ideas and faces to his own self. To you men of Earth are often hurt them more criticism of his own views, matured after years of influence of the media, educators, friends and family, and observation of the environment, that analyzes your personality.


And this is logical that this happens and we welcome, because it shows that human selfishness of Earth is not as developed as you yourself believe.


So a Canadian reader of our letters, he told us a few years ago in a telephone conversation:


"I do not know who you are but I would like to know who the hell are you ..."


Indeed this brother you guessed the truth. "We're not one" we have to offer a doctrine that can serve them. Anyone who we identify with a political-religious group or political or financial or philosophical, scientific or recreational commits an understandable naivete in any way we want to challenge.


We limit ourselves in recent reports as a mirror to present their own conceptions. If the image do not like believe me, Mr. George, who is not the fault of the mirror.


Have you deducted from our analysis that the ideological force in earth lodges are equally objectionable, due to aberrations that carry in their conceptions?


Absolutely not answer them. They did not discover anything new if I say that all can be at a scale of values which the valuation standard is the result that the individual systems have on the practice. This automatically disqualifies not only the brilliant exhibition of many of these ideologies, which in theory have an undeniable intellectual brilliance excites his followers but to all the new ideology that has only just been born among you, unless they are subject by empirically to a severe test in a long, painstaking process.


(Note that this principle we propose would veto any kind of DOCTRINE spurious, or suggest that Earth was transplanted to our own socio-political conceptions).


If any among you ask us which of the existing formulas of government must accept as valid, I would suggest: "Continue, our friend, accepting his own but subject it to rigorous analysis": Respect, humans and their ability to create and mental development? () "Protects all citizens regardless of belief or racial characteristics? () Does it foster the culture, research and study on other chapters of lesser importance? () Does it respect the human rights declared by international conventions? () Do you use violence to suppress the legitimate aspirations for justice? () Do you think the order maintained by force and not by conviction and the popular consensus is more important than social justice? () Bases its economic system "only in the well-being? These questions and objectively satisfied friend will give you our approximate order of reliability to catalog the ideology at that scale of values.


Nobody but you get to choose them illustrated by his own conscience and moral values scale, the more fairly between existing ones. We will not bring it to the men of Earth. Only we dare to assure that:


WHAT IS FULLY rejection is PRECISELY the ideological asepsis: giving up its effort to contribute to a more just social NETWORK. Inhibition of living frivolously behind the undertaking referred to, makes him worthy of being removed, where recovery efforts were fruitless, the society in which he lives, for it has ceased to be a human being into a structure biological lifeless.


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